If you have toenail fungus, your nail bed can be permanently damaged. Leading podiatrists Adam Matthews, DPM, and Karson Howard, DPM, at Ambulatory Foot & Ankle Clinic have the expertise to treat your nail fungus safely and effectively. They have two offices conveniently located in Thayne and Jackson, Wyoming, and four in Pocatello, Soda Springs, Montpelier, and Idaho Falls, Idaho. Call the office nearest you or use the online booking tool today.
request an appointmentWhat is toenail fungus?
Toenail fungus is an infection that affects the health of your toes and how they appear. It develops when different types of fungi enter through the cracks of your nails. It can be caused by athlete’s foot, which is a form of ringworm that affects the skin on your feet between your toes. It can also develop from other causes.
Toenail fungus easily spreads in contaminated areas like gyms, locker rooms, and public swimming pools. The condition isn’t always serious, but severe cases can be painful and cause permanent damage.
What are the symptoms of toenail fungus?
Toenail fungus has several common symptoms, including:
- Offensive odor
- Brittle nails
- Crumbling nails
- Thickening nails
- Oddly shaped nails
If your toenails start to become yellow or discolored, that’s another likely sign of toenail fungus. The condition slowly progresses, causing your symptoms to worsen if they go untreated.
How can I prevent toenail fungus?
Here are some recommendations on how to avoid the development of toenail fungus:
- Clean and dry your feet well
- Wear shoes everywhere you go
- Wear clean socks every day
- Wear proper footwear
- Keep your toenails trimmed straight across
- Sprinkle foot powder on your dry feet after you shower
- Don’t wear polish
- Discard old socks, houseshoes, and regular shoes
Check your feet often to see if you notice any changes. If you see symptoms of toenail fungus, call Ambulatory Foot and Ankle to begin treatment before infection develops.
How is toenail fungus treated?
The team at Ambulatory Foot & Ankle Clinic takes a conservative approach to your treatment, educating you about your options and talking with you about the best ways to remedy your condition.
Treatment options include:
Antifungal medications can help considerably. Your provider may prescribe oral or topical therapies to give you the best results.
If you have an infection under your nail, surgery allows your provider to remove the nail so they can apply the medicine directly on the infection underneath.
At-home remedies
You might be able to manage your toenail infection with over-the-counter antifungal creams and ointments. You should also keep your nails trimmed and filed down to reduce additional pressure on the nail.
If you can’t trim your nails due to poor blood flow, the team at Ambulatory Foot & Ankle Clinic can assist on a regular basis.
If you have symptoms of toenail fungus, call Ambulatory Foot & Ankle Clinic or use the online booking tool today.