We are an ankle injury specialist that helps people to improve their health and mobility through a comprehensive treatment plan. If a traditional family doctor has not been able to provide the level of relief that is necessary to feel better, it is wise to call us for help. Since this is what we do on a regular basis, we have the skills and expertise necessary to produce results.
Reasons to focus on treatment
If an ankle does not heal properly, it can create mobility and instability problems throughout a person’s lifetime.
What causes an ankle injury?
Very often, ankle injuries are caused by sudden movement. If the ankle rolls or twists, the ankle joint can move out of position. It can also be forced to twist inward. That sudden, unexpected and unnatural movement can cause the ligaments around the ankle to tear. Even if they only stretch, this can create an injury that requires treatment. Additionally, it is possible to break the ankle. In this case, the actual bone inside of the ankle may be broken and a cast may be necessary for treatment.
Is my ankle broken or sprained?
As an ankle injury specialist, we get a lot of calls from prospective patients that are unsure if their ankle has been broken and they need immediate treatment or if they have simply sprained it. We recommend scheduling an appointment with our office so that we can conduct an examination and find out. However, there are a few things that patients can look for at home.
Pain that is around the soft tissue areas only is usually indicative of a sprain. If the ankle is broken the area over the bone should also be in pain.
Being unable to walk at all is usually indicative of a break.
A mild sprain can be treated at home with rest, using ice or a cold compress, wrapping it in a compression bandage and elevating it. After a couple days, it should begin to feel better and even if there is pain, it should be reduced – if it is a sprain.
If the ankle begins to feel worse, it turns black and blue or even blisters, it can be a sign of a break and necessitates visiting a doctor quickly.
In our office, we will conduct a physical examination to determine if the patient has sprained or broken their ankle. We may also use imaging tools like x-rays or MRI to make this determination.
How can an ankle injury specialist treat my ankle?
The treatment plan we recommend is going to be based on what happened to cause the injury and how extensive the injury is. We may recommend rest, a compression bandage and physical therapy. This along with monitoring can sometimes be enough to heal the ankle if it is only a sprain.
However, if the ankle is actually broken, it may be necessary to have a minimally invasive procedure or actual surgery. Again, we will not know until we have conducted an examination and view the results of the imaging scans. We will make a recommendation for the treatment we believe is going to be the most effective at that point.
Your ankle is important so don’t ignore it
The best advice we can give is to not ignore the symptoms. Ankles are important so it is necessary to visit an ankle injury specialist and begin receiving the treatment required to restore the health of it. Call us today so that we can begin to provide treatment and assistance.